I thought about titling this post "Michelle's MEP of the Week," but I had a few reservations about that. The first was, I like things that are catchy and clean, and that sounded a little wordy. The second was, well, if you guys couldn't figure out that I was writing these posts, and not Lucas...I meannnn...we'd have a bigger problem on our hands.
Also, if you couldn't figure it out, MEP stands for "Most Eligible Player."
So, not to have a post full of disclaimers, but this one merits a big one. Because my MEP of the Week for Week 1 just so happens to be my favorite person of all time, Aaron Rodgers.
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I know some of you are crying foul. "Of course Michelle would have her favorite QB, future husband, and love of her life as her Week 1 MEP. She'll probably have him as her EVERY Week MEP." And to that I say, nay.
Let's be real for a second. YES, Aaron is the future father to my children. YES, I'm so obsessed with him that it makes Lucas a little uncomfortable. But let's look at the facts.
FACT. Aaron Rodgers is a returning Super Bowl Champion.
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FACT. Aaron Rodgers looks great with a milk mustache. (Unfortunately, I'll be the first to admit he looks somewhat sketchy with a real one.)
[image via]
FACT. He criticized Mark Sanchez's rather unfortunate photo spread in GQ magazine. Some might call him snarky or petty, but I think he's just saying what we're all thinking. Rodgers is an athlete before he's a celebrity, and imho, Sanchez is a celebrity before he's an athlete. So Rodgers spoke his mind, just like his recent responses to the media's criticism of him not holding team-only preseason workouts. Drew Brees held a gazillion, and we all watched the same season opener, amirite? Quote: "I mean, could we have started any faster and scored any more points tonight?" Well, he possibly could have had the showing Tom Brady had this week, but we'll save those comparisons for the Super Bowl.
FACT. I don't care if you're a Packers fan or not. Aaron Rodgers is an elite quarterback with an astounding sense of motivation, and one of the league's most exciting rising stars to watch. His impressive post-Super Bowl performance shows that maybe that chip isn't totally off his shoulder, and maybe it never will be.
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